B-Day Wish List | Diary

22 abr 2013

I'm turning 21! And as a normal person in the world I want stuff, a lot of stuff! Most of it are clothes, accessories, GG's 6 season DVD, a wallet and money to spend in food! Here's my wish list, just in case you want to buy something for me, haha just kidding! Or not?

I am not really into brands, if I can find something similar to a designer item I want or something pretty and with quality, I am happy, I don't care from which store it comes from. Of course I am dying for a 2.55 from Chanel or a pair of Manolo's but I can also work with some other department store where you can find what you need for a decent price.

And as you can imagine I am really into coupons and discounts and I found this amazing page called Dscuento México where you can find coupons online and a lot of discounts! And I am quite obsessed with Dafiti, and amazing online store where you can find everything, and obviusly you cant find promos at Dscuento México! Give it a try and tell me how it was!


Esas wishlist son las mejores.
Me encantan tus elecciones y como dices tu, fácilmente puedes encontrarlas a un precio justo en tiendas departamentales.

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